Challenges and research gaps in the area of integrated climate change risk assessment for European agriculture and food security

Martin Köchy, Jacob Bishop, Heikki Lehtonen, Nigel Scollan, Heidi Webber, Andrea Zimmermann, Gianni Bellocchi, André Bannink, Anne Biewald, Roberto Ferrise, Katharina Helming, Richard P. Kipling, Anne Milford, Şeyda Özkan Gülzari, Margarita Ruiz-Ramos, Jantine Curth-van Middelkoop


Priorities in addressing research gaps and challenges should follow the order of im­por­tance, which in itself would be a matter of defining goals and metrics of importance, e.g. the extent, impact and likelihood of occurrence. For improving assessments of cli­mate change impacts on agriculture for achieving food security and other sustainable develop­ment goals across the European continent, the most important research gaps and challen­ges appear to be the agreement on goals with a wide range of stakeholders from policy, science, producers and society, better reflection of political and societal prefer­ences in the modelling process, and the reflection of economic decisions in farm manage­ment within models. These and other challenges could be approached in phase 3 of MACSUR.

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