Climate-change impacts on farming systems in the next decades: Why worry when you have CAP? A FACCE MACSUR workshop for policymakers

Martin Banse


MACSUR's aims•To analyze the effects of climate change for farming conditions in European regions •To identify risks for farmers, to jointly develop mitigation and adaptation options•To analyze consequences of mitigation and adaptation for farming competitiveness, the environment and rural development
MACSUR'S mission •improve and integratemodels - crop and livestock production, farms, and national & international agri-food markets•demonstrate integration and links - models for selected farming systems and regions •provide hands-on training- young and experienced researchers in integrative modeling
Programme of the workshop•Presentation of current achievements—Regional Pilots on climate adaptation —EU-level assessments •Intensive discussion with all participants—What are your knowledge needs ?—What can MACSUR-2 contribute ?—How to collaborate ?—Next steps of interaction 

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