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TradeM International Workshop 2014 »Economics of integrated assessment approaches for agriculture and the food sector«

Issue Title
Vol 4 (2015) TradeM International Workshop 2014 »Economics of integrated assessment approaches for agriculture and the food sector« Abstract   Programme
Klaus Mittenzwei, Floor Brouwer, Franz Sinabell
Vol 4 (2015) Challenges for CropM in integrated (regional) assessment of climate change risks to food production Details   PDF
Reimund Rötter
Vol 4 (2015) Halftime in MACSUR - what have we learned and what comes next? Details   PDF
Martin Banse
Vol 4 (2015) Optimal Land-use Future Scenarios Nordic Area Details   PDF
Daniel Sandars
Vol 4 (2015) Awareness of climate change for adaptation of the farm sector Abstract   PDF
Gabriele Dono
Vol 4 (2015) "The Food Equation": Taking a long/term View on World Agriculture, Climate Change and Food Security Details   PDF
Josef Schmidhuber
Vol 4 (2015) Contributions from bio-eocnomic farm models to the analysis of climate change adaptation: lessons from MACSUR regional pilot studies Abstract   PDF
Martin Schönhart
Vol 4 (2015) Importance of considering crop management adaptation in CC impact studies: A Pan-European integrated assessment Abstract   PDF
Wolfgang Britz
Vol 4 (2015) Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Impacts at Field and Farm level in the Austrian Mostviertel Region Abstract   PDF
Martin Schönhart
Vol 4 (2015) A prototype dynamic stochastic equilibrium model of the global food system Details   PDF
Øvyind Hoveid
Vol 4 (2015) How volatile are farm incomes? The case of Italian farms Abstract   PDF
Simone Severini
Vol 4 (2015) Communicating Modelling Abstract   PDF
Richard Kipling
Vol 4 (2015) The eocnomic impact of water scarcity under diverse water qualities and desalination policies Abstract   PDF
Mordechai Shechter
Vol 4 (2015) LiveM and the knowledge hub concept: Grassland and livestock modelling in MACSUR Phase 2 Details   PDF
Richard Kipling
Vol 4 (2015) Integrated assessment of policy and climate change impacts: A case study on protein crop production in Austria Abstract   PDF
Franz Sinabell
Vol 4 (2015) Warmer, Wetter, Wilder? Climatic Evidence from the Grain Markets Abstract   PDF
Marie Steen
Vol 4 (2015) Achieving Emission Reduction Targets by Changing Eating Habits in Norway Abstract   PDF
Anna Milford
Vol 4 (2015) Modelling regional agricultural land use and climate change adaptation strategies in 4 case study regions Northern Germany Abstract   PDF
Peter Zander
Vol 4 (2015) The role of uncertainty in assessing agricultural responses to food security and climate change: A Case Study from Norway Details   PDF
Klaus Mittenzwei
Vol 4 (2015) Climate Change and Food Security: Improving the Relevance and Credibility of Global and Regional Integrated Assessments Details   PDF
John M Antle
Vol 4 (2015) Application of Markov chains approach for expecting extreme precipitation changes having impact on food supply Abstract   PDF
Waldemar Bojar, Leszek Knopik, Jacek Żarski
Vol 4 (2015) Incentivising for climage change mitigation in the context of adaptation to climate and market changes at the farm level in North Savo region Abstract   PDF
Xing Liu
Vol 4 (2015) Evaluating clover grass as a climate change adaptation measure in agriculture at the sector level Abstract   PDF
Heikki Lehtonen
1 - 23 of 23 Items