Section Details


Issue Title
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Sustainable agricultural intensification: indicators and metrics for multi-scale modeling. Abstract
I Mouratiadou, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Modelling nitrous oxide emissions of high input maize crop systems Abstract
P.P. Roggero, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Wanting it all - is a stakeholders' Vision for Europen comaptaible with meeting Europe's food demand under high end climate change Abstract   Presentation   Abstract
I Holman, N Frantzeskaki
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement What are the risks of food price changes? A time series analysis. Abstract
Ø Hoveid, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Comparing annual wheat yield sensitivity to climate at different sites using impact response surfaces. Abstract
T Carter, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Opportunities for soil carbon sequestration under old and new grazed grassland in the Netherlands. Abstract
J Van Middelkoop, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Wheat grain yield and water use efficiency improved under climate change condition in semi-arid regions as predicted by APSIM crop model Abstract
R Deihimfard, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Climate-neutralizing managed landscapes in Sweden. Abstract
S Olin, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Yield gaps of cereals across Europe. Abstract
R Schils, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Cost-effectiveness of greenhouse gases mitigation measures in the Andean agriculture: an economic and environmental perspective Abstract
J Cayambe, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Laboratory and field scale: two approaches for the evaluation of GHG emissions from dairy cows Abstract
S Menardo, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Modelling production and environmental impacts of perennial cropping systems with the STICS model Abstract
L Strullu, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement The feed story for dairy production systems under climate change Abstract   Untitled   Abstract
A Bannink, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Does the effect of the choice of crops has a stronger influence on regional water resources than those of climate variability Details
K Drastig, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Assessing priorities for enhancing adaptive capacity of agricultural systems to climate change using fuzzy logic-based approaches Abstract   Presentation   Abstract
G Seddaiu, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Developing a framework for critical assessment of stakeholder engagement activities. Abstract
R Kipling, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Extending the BASGRA model for timothy grass with functions to simulate impacts of climate change and sward management on yield and nutritive value. Abstract
M Höglind, T Persson, M Van Oijen
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Integrating the impact of climate change, price changes and recent CAP orientation on Mediterranean farming systems Abstract   Presentation   Abstract
R Cortignani, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Effects of nutrient supply on mitigation in a long-term experiment. Abstract
J.T. Aranyos, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement How is crop growth model calibration performed? Results of a survey. Abstract
S.J. Seidel, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Rethinking farm-scale modelling to meet new challenges and possibilities Abstract
N Hutchings, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement User co-design of state-of-the-art climate simulations: towards a better-informed agricultural sector Details
E van der Linden, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Recent advances in integrated assessments of climate change impacts on European agriculture. Abstract
H Webber, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Creating a dynamical farmer population model at country scale level. Abstract
V Beckers, (submitter)
Vol 10 (2017): Supplement Integrated impact modelling of climate change and adaptation policies on land use and water resources in Austria" Abstract   Presentation   Abstract
M Schönhart, M Zessner, A Blaschke, J Parajka, G Hepp, B Strenn, H Trautvetter, E Schmid
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